Lecture 1: Understanding Cognitive Bias
Goal: Understand how failed heuristics contribute to cognitive biases and diagnostic errors (for now we are only going to focus on how cognitive bias occurs, not interventions)
Recommended reading
Lecture 1 Pretest

Which of the following is a type of cognitive bias?

  1. Edge of the film error
  2. Alliterative error
  3. Communication error
  4. Perceptual error

Type 1 thinking can be described as:

  1. Rule-based
  2. Deductive
  3. Analytical
  4. Reflexive

Anchoring bias:

  1. Reflects the undue influence that an initial interpretation has on the evaluation of subsequently collected information
  2. Results from a tendency to be influenced by how a question is asked or how a problem is presented
  3. Refers to the tendency for diagnostic assessments to be unduly influenced by easily recalled experiences
  4. Represents the influence that one radiologist’s judgment can exert on the diagnostic thinking of another radiologist

Which of the following theories helps us understand why cognitive errors occur?

  1. Cognitive miser theory
  2. Dual process theory
  3. Analytical processing theory
  4. Cognitive error theory

A 71 year old man with hematuria has an enhanced CT scan (see images below), which demonstrates a calcified mesenteric mass with desmoplastic reaction and a hypoenhancing liver lesion. What is the most likely diagnosis?

  1. Metastatic testicular cancer
  2. Desmoid
  3. Small bowel carcinoid
  4. Lymphoma
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Optional reading
Go to lecture 2