Lecture 11 Pretest Answers

What is the most common condition in diagnosis-related malpractice claims?

  1. Fractures and dislocations
  2. Infections
  3. Cardiac/Vascular
  4. Cancer*

Which of the following is a major contributor to claims alleging diagnostic failure against radiologists involving breast and lung cancers?

  1. Findings not directly communicated
  2. Missed findings
  3. Poorly written reports*
  4. Technically limited imaging

Approximately what percentage of radiologists will face a lawsuit during their career?

  1. 1%
  2. 5%
  3. 7%*
  4. 10%
  5. 15%

Which of the following is a recommendation for radiologists to reduce the risk of a malpractice claim?

  1. Implement over-read and second-evaluation processes that occur on an ongoing basis with feedback given to radiologists*
  2. Encourage the use of phrases such as“when appropriate” when making recommendations about follow-up imaging
  3. Ensure that practices are using a random peer review process such as RADPEER to document errors rates
  4. Avoid using teleradiology or nighthawk services to read overnight studies

An advantage of structured reporting is that it prompts radiologists to continue inspecting anatomic regions on the images whether or not the radiologist has already made a pertinent diagnosis.  In so doing, structured reporting mitigates against:

  1. Anchoring bias
  2. Alliterative bias
  3. Satisfaction of search bias*
  4. Framing bias
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