Lecture 9 Pretest Answers

Which of the following findings can help differentiate between benign and malignant pleural disease on CT?

  1. Mediastinal pleural involvement*
  2. Avid enhancement
  3. Presence of calcifications
  4. Associated lung abnormality

Which of the following is the best criteria for identification of peritoneal metastasis in patients with ovarian cancer?

  1. Presence of ascites
  2. Parietal peritoneal thickening
  3. Small bowel wall thickening
  4. Nodular soft tissue lesion on the peritoneal surface*

Which of the following is a blind spot where melanoma metastases can be missed on CT?

  1. Adrenal glands
  2. Pancreas
  3. Subcutaneous fat*
  4. Lungs

Which of the following findings are strongly suggestive of malignancy in a breast lesions identified on CT?

  1. Calcification
  2. Spiculation*
  3. Avid enhancement
  4. Intralesional fat

Blind spots are areas where lesions are most commonly overlooked. Which of the following is considered a blind spot in abdominal CT imaging?

  1. Liver capsule
  2. Lung bases
  3. Paraspinal region*
  4. Ovaries
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